Full-Time Faculty

Yao, Jen-Te

Associate Professor

  • Room SL326, Loyola Building
  • +886-2-29052707
  • 070656@mail.fju.edu.tw

■ Education

  • Ph.D. in Economics, National Taipei University, Taiwan
  • M.A. in Industrial Economics, National Central University, Taiwan
  • B.S. in Computer Engineering, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan

■ Fields of Interest

Microeconomic Theory, Calculus, Regional Economics


  1. Jen-Te Yao (2021), "Imitation," Encyclopedia of Law and Economics, 2nd Edition, 1-5. [ISBN: 978-1-4614-7754-9]
  2. Jen-Te Yao (2019), "The impact of transportation asymmetry on the choice of a spatial price policy," Asia-Pacific Journal of Regional Science, 3(3): 793-811.
  3. Jen-Te Yao (2015), "The impact of counterfeit-purchase penalties on anti-counterfeiting under deceptive counterfeiting," Journal of Economics and Business, 80: 51-61.
  4. Jen-Te Yao (2013), "The Arm's Length Principle, Transfer Pricing, and Location Choices," Journal of Economics and Business, 65(1): 1-13.
  5. Jen-Te Yao, Fu-Chuan Lai (2006), "Incentive Consistency and the Choice of a Spatial Pricing Mode," The Annals of Regional Science, 40(3): 583-601.
  6. Jen-Te Yao, Fu-Chuan Lai (2006), "A Fiscal Regime Solving the Incentive Inconsistency Problem," The Annals of Regional Science, 40(3): 603-619.
  7. Jen-Te Yao (2006), "Three-firm Sequential Location: A Nash-bargaining Consideration," Ming Chuan Journal, 15: 1-14.
  8. Jen-Te Yao (2005), "How a Luxury Monopolist might Benefit from a Stringent Counterfeit-monitoring Regime," International Journal of Business and Economics, 4(3): 177-192.
  9. Jen-Te Yao (2005), "The Optimal Durability of Durable Goods," Socioeconomic law and Institution Review, 35: 341-354. (in Chinese)
  10. Jen-Te Yao (2005), "Counterfeiting and an Optimal Monitoring Policy," European Journal of Law and Economics, 19(1): 95-114.
  11. Jen-Te Yao (1999), "Research and Development, Patents, and Nobel Prizes", Intellectual Property Right Journal, 2: 73-80. (in Chinese)