Other Special Features
1. Heuristic Education
The teaching of this department focuses on heuristic education, which encourages students to be spontaneous, to discover and solve problems through discussion, and to develop the ability to think critically.
2. Curriculum Design
Our curriculum advances the principle of paying equal attention to both theory and practicality, and adapting to the needs of market trends and preparation for students' employment after graduation.
3. Recitation Session
For core courses such as calculus, accounting, principles of micro/macro economics, and statistics, weekly recitation sessions are conducted by a teaching assistant. The students can take advantage of an opportunity to review the classroom materials and work on extra homework for better understanding and deeper knowledge.
4. Advisor System
A faculty member is assigned to each student as the academic advisor. In addition to providing academic counseling, the advisor is also concerned with the general condition of the student's personal life. Academic advisors learn about students' learning and living conditions through interviews and interaction. When advisable, students may be encouraged to avail themselves of the services of the University Counseling Center for professional counseling.
5. Integration of Departments
The Department provides an opportunity to its undergraduate students to enroll in graduate level courses in their senior year. Superior undergraduate students may thus shorten the time required for acquisition of a Master's degree. This integration of the resources of the MA and the BA programs in the Department enables us to share mutual support, and achieve a higher level of quality and quantity in our academic research.
6. Application of What You Have Learned
We strive to promote cooperation between industry and university in efforts such as industrial internships, corporate visits, investment simulation competitions, and the establishment of Eyon International Currency Laboratory.