

Chang, Juin-Jen
  • 羅耀拉大樓三樓SL304室
  • 02-29052685
  • jjchang@econ.sinica.edu.tw

■ 學經歷

【學 歷】國立台北大學經濟學博士 (1998)

國立中央大學產業經濟所碩士 (1991)

東吳大學經濟系學士 (1989)

現 職輔仁大學經濟系合聘講座教授(2007/08~迄今)


經 歷】中央研究院研究員(2007/08~迄今)





■ 教授科目及專長



  1. Chang, Juin-Jen, Fiedler Ingo, Ching-Chong Lai, and Ping Wang (2021), "Cross-Border Casino Competition, Externalities and Optimal Tax Policy: A Unified Theory with Quantitative Analysis," Regional Science and Urban Economics, forthcoming.
  2. Chang, Juin-Jen, Hsieh-Yu Lin, David W. Savitski, and Hsueh-fang Tsai (2021), "Inflation and Inequality in a Growing Economy with Cash and Credit Goods," Macroeconomic Dynamics, forthcoming.
  3. Huang, Chien-Yu, Juin-Jen Chang, and Ji Lei (2021), "Inflation, Market Structure, and Innovation-Driven Growth with Distinct Cash Constraints," Oxford Economic Papers, forthcoming.
  4. Chang, Juin-Jen, Hsieh-Yu Lin, Nora Traum, and Shu-Chun S. Yang (2021), "Fiscal Consolidation and Public Wages," Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, 53 503-533.
  5. Chang, Juin-Jen, Jang-Ting Guo, and Wei-Neng Wang (2020), "On Endogenous Business Cycles under Increasing Returns to Variety and Sector-Specific Externalities," Economic Inquiry, 59 532-548.
  6. Chang, Juin-Jen, Wen-Ya Chang, Hsueh-Fang Tsai, and Ping Wang (2019), "Inflation Targeting, Pattern of Trade and Economic Dynamics," Macroeconomic Dynamics, 23 2748-2786.
  7. Chang, Juin-Jen, Hsueh-Fang Tsai, and Tsung-Sheng Tsai (2019), "Optimal Dynamic Taxation with Distinctive Forms of Social Status Attainment," Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 121 808-842.
  8. Huang, Chun-Chien, Juin-Jen Chang, and Hsiao-Wen Hung (2018), "Progressive Tax and Inequality in a Unionized Economy," Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 122 38-80.
  9. Chang, Juin-Jen, Wei-Neng Wang, and Jhy-Yuan Shieh (2018), "Environmental Rebounds/Backfires: Macroeconomic Implications for the Promotion of Environmentally-Friendly Products," Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 88 35-68.
  10. Chang, Juin-Jen, Wei-Neng Wang, and Ying-An Chen (2018), "Do Status-Seeking Motives Enhance Economic Growth? A Small Open Growth Model," Macroeconomic Dynamics, 22 199-224.
  11. Chang, Juin-Jen, Yi-Ling Cheng, and Shin-Kun Peng (2017), "Social Comparisons in Consumption, International Capital Flows and Tax Competition," International Journal of Economic Theory, 13 47-71.
  12. Chang, Juin-Jen and Hsiao-wen Hung (2016), "Trade Union, Economic Growth, and Income Inequality," Macroeconomic Dynamics, 20 404-428.
  13. Ji Lei, Juin-Jen Chang, and Chien-Yu Huang (2016), "Unionization, Market Structure and Economic Growth," Southern Economic Journal, 82 935-951.
  14. Chang, Juin-Jen, Jang-Ting Guo, Jhy-Yuan Shieh, and Wei-Neng Wang (2015), "Sectoral Composition of Government Spending and Macroeconomic (In) stability," Economic Inquiry, 53 23-33.
  15. Chang, Wen-Ya, Hsueh-Fang Tsai, Mei-Lie Chu, and Juin-Jen Chang (2015), "On the Employment, Investment and Current Account Effects of Inflation: A Revisit," Journal of Macroeconomics, 46 278-294.
  16. Chen, Jhy-Hwa, Jhy-Yuan Shieh, and Juin-Jen Chang (2015), "Environmental Policy and Economic Growth: The Macroeconomic Implications of the Health Effect," B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics, 15 223-253.
  17. Chang, Shu-hua and Juin-Jen Chang (2015), "Optimal Government Spending in an Economy with Imperfectly Competitive Goods and Labor Markets," Southern Economic Journal, 82 385-407.
  18. Chang, Juin-Jen, Huei-Chung Lu, and Hsueh-Fang Tsai (2014), "Corruption, Growth and Increasing Returns to Production Specialization," International Journal of Economic Theory, 11 329-345.
  19. Chang, Juin-Jen, Huei-Chung Lu, and Ping Wang (2013), "Search for a Theory of Organized Crimes," European Economic Review, 62 130-153.
  20. Shaw, Ming-Fu, Juin-Jen Chang, and Hung-Ju Chen (2012), "Capital Adequacy and the Bank Lending Channel: Macroeconomic Implications," Journal of Macroeconomics, 36 121-137.
  21. Chang, Juin-Jen, Jhy-Hwa Chen, and Jhy-Yuan Shieh (2012), "Consumption Externalities, Market Imperfections, and Optimal Taxation," International Journal of Economic Theory, 8 345-359.
  22. Chang, Juin-Jen, Hsiao-Wen Hung, and Chun-Chieh Huang (2011), "Monopoly Power, Increasing Returns to Variety, and Local Indeterminacy," Review of Economic Dynamics, 14 384-388.
  23. Chang, Juin-Jen, Ching-Chong Lai, and Ping Wang (2010), "Casino Regulations and Economic Welfare," Canadian Journal of Economics, 43 1058-1085.
  24. Chang, Juin-Jen, Jhy-Hwa Chen, Jhy-Yuan Shieh, and Ching-Chong Lai (2009), "Optimal Tax Policy, Market Imperfections, and Environmental Externalities in a Dynamic Optimizing Macro Model," Journal of Public Economic Theory, 11 623-651.
  25. Chen, Shu-Hua, Ming-Fu Shaw, Ching-Chong Lai, and Juin-Jen, Chang (2008), "Interest Rate Rules and Transitional Dynamics in an Endogenously Growing Open Economy," Journal of International Money and Finance, 27 54-75.
  26. Chang, Juin-Jen, Wen-Ya Chang, Ching-Chong Lai, and Ping Wang (2007), "Equilibrium Dynamics in an Endogenous Growth Model of Money and Banking," Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, 39 1683-1710.
  27. Chang, Juin-Jen, Ming-Fu Shaw, and Ching-Chong Lai (2007), "A "Managerial" Trade Union and Economic Growth," European Economic Review, 51 365-384.
  28. Chang, Juin-Jen, Chun-Chieh Huang, and Ching-Chong Lai (2007), "Working Hours Reduction and Wage Contracting Style in a Dynamic Model with Labor Adjustment Costs," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 31 971-993.
  29. Chang, Juin-Jen, Hsiao-Wen Hung, Jhy-Yuan Shieh, and Ching-Chong Lai (2007), "Optimal Fiscal Policies, Congestion and Over-Entry," Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 109 137-151.
  30. Shaw, Ming-Fu, Juin-Jen Chang, and Ching-Chong Lai (2006), "(Non)Optimality of the Friedman Rule and Optimal Taxation in a Growing Economy with Imperfect Competition," Economics Letters, 90 412-420.
  31. Chang, Juin-Jen, Huei-Chung Lu, and Ming-Shen Chen (2005), "Organized Crime or Individual Crime? Endogenous Size of a Criminal Organization and the Optimal Law Enforcement," Economic Inquiry, 43 661-675.
  32. Chen, Jhy-Hwa, Jhy-Yuan Shieh, Ching-Chong Lai, and Juin-Jen Chang (2005), "Productive Public Expenditure and Imperfect Competition with Endogenous Price Markup," Oxford Economic Papers, 57 522-544.
  33. Lu, Huei-Chung, Ming-Shen Chen, and Juin-Jen, Chang (2005), "Are More Alternatives Better for Decision-Makers? The Role of Decision Cost," Theory and Decision, 58 283-304.
  34. Chang, Juin-Jen and Ching-Chong Lai (2004), "Collaborative Tax Evasion and Social Norms: Why Deterrence does not Work," Oxford Economic Papers, 56 344-368.
  35. Chang, Juin-Jen, Ching-Chong Lai, and Chung-Cheng Lin (2003), "Profit Sharing, Worker Effort, and Double-Sided Moral Hazard in an Efficiency Wage Model," Journal of Comparative Economics, 31 75-93.
  36. Chang, Juin-Jen and Ching-Chong Lai (2001), "Is the Efficiency Wage Efficiency? The Social Norm and Organizational Corruption," Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 104 27-47.
  37. Chang, Juin-Jen and Ching-Chong Lai (2001), "Is It Worthwhile to Pay Referees?," Southern Economic Journal, 68 457-463.
  38. Chang, Juin-Jen, Ching-Chong Lai, and C. C. Yang (2000), "Causal Police Corruption and the Economics of Crime: Further Results," International Review of Law and Economics, 20 35-51.
  39. Chang, Juin-Jen and Ching-Chong Lai (1999), "Carrots or Sticks? A Social Custom Viewpoint on Work Effort," European Journal of Political Economy, 15 297-310.
  40. Chang, Juin-Jen, Ching-Chong Lai, and Wen-Ya Chang (1998), "A Dynamic Model of Union Membership and Employment: A Comment," Economica, 65 145-151.
  41. Chang, Juin-Jen and Ching-Chong Lai (1997), "Union Membership and Employment Dynamics with Endogenous Union Density," Economics Letters, 57 119-125.
  42. Lai, Ching-Chong, Juin-Jen Chang, and Wen-Ya Chang (1996), "Efficient Bargains and Currency Devaluation," Economic Record, 72 313-318.
  43. Lai, Ching-Chong, Juin-Jen Chang, and Wen-Ya Chang (1995), "Tax Evasion and Efficient Bargains," Public Finances/ Finances Publiques, 50 96-105.


  1. Investigator Award, Academia Sinica, 2017-2021
  2. 2002年中央研究院年輕學者研究著作獎
  3. 2005年度行政院國科會吳大猷先生紀念獎