

Zhu, Jian-Da

■ 學經歷

【學 歷】美國德州農工大學經濟學博士 (2014)

國立臺灣大學經濟所碩士 (2006)

國立臺灣大學數學系學士 (2004)

【現 職】輔仁大學經濟系專任助理教授(2024/02~迄今)

【經 歷】輔仁大學經濟系專案助理教授(2022/08~2024/01)

               國立臺灣大學經濟系專任助理教授 (2014/08~2022/07)

■ 教授科目及專長



  1. Chin-Hsien Yu, Bruce A. McCarl, and Jian-Da Zhu (2022), "Market response to typhoons: The role of information and expectations", Southern Economic Journal, 89(2), 496-521.
  2. Yi-Ta Lu, Wei-Hsiang Hwang, Yi-Tsung Hsieh, Tsung-Yu Ho, Jian-Da Zhu, Chun-I Yeh, and Chen-Ying Huang (2022), "Choices behind the veil of ignorance in Formosan macaques", PNAS Nexus, 1(4), pgac188.
  3. Tzu-Chang Forrest Cheng, Tai-Chi Wang, and Jian-Da Zhu (2022), "The Effect of Risk Information on Housing Prices in Taiwan," Academia Economic Papers, 50(1), 41-73.

■ 研討會論文

  1. Chia-Wen Chen and Jian-Da Zhu, "Incentivizing Demand Response Using Auctions: Evidence from Steel Producers in Taiwan", presented at 2023 International Conference on Agricultural and Environmental Economics, September 2023.
  2. Chia-Wen Chen and Jian-Da Zhu, "Incentivizing Demand Response Using Auctions: Evidence from Steel Producers in Taiwan", presented at Taiwan Economic Research, August 2023.
  3. Chia-Wen Chen and Jian-Da Zhu, "Estimating the Effect of Winning Demand Response Auctions on Firms' Electricity Consumption," presented at Empirical Methods in Energy Economics (EMEE) Summer Workshop, July 2022.
  4. Jian-Da Zhu, "Pricing Strategy under Reference-Dependent Preferences: Evidence from Sellers on StubHub." presented at 2019 Asia-Pacific Industrial Organization Conference (APIOC), December 2019.
  5. Chin-Hsien Yu, Bruce A. McCarl, and Jian-Da Zhu, "Market Response to Typhoons: the Role of Information and Expectation," presented at Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (AAEA) Annual Meeting, July 2019.
  6. Tzu-Chang Forrest Cheng, Tai-Chi Wang, and Jian-Da Zhu, "The Pricing of Liquefaction Risk: Empirical Evidence from Housing Market in Taiwan," presented at Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (AAEA) Annual Meeting, July 2019.
  7. Jian-Da Zhu, "Pricing Strategy under Reference-Dependent Preferences: Evidence from Sellers on StubHub," presented at 6th Annual International Industrial Organization Conference (IIOC), April 2018.
  8. Jian-Da Zhu, "Spatial Differentiation and Entry: Evidence from Retail Gasoline Market in Taiwan," presented at Taiwan Economic Association Annual Meeting (臺灣經濟學會年會), December 2017.
  9. Jian-Da Zhu, "Pricing Strategy under Reference-Dependent Preferences: Evidence from Sellers on StubHub," presented at 44th Conference of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE), August 2017.
  10. Tzu-Chang Forrest Cheng, Tai-Chi Wang, and Jian-Da Zhu, "The Pricing of Liquefaction Risk: Empirical Evidence from Housing Market in Taiwan," presented at Taiwan Economics Research, August 2017.

■ 科技部/國科會計畫













■ 教學及研究獎勵

  1. 國立台灣大學教學優良獎(107學年度)