■ 學經歷
【學 歷】國立臺灣大學財務金融所博士 (2021)
國立臺灣大學經濟所碩士 (2009)
國立政治大學經濟系學士 (2007)
【現 職】輔仁大學經濟系專任助理教授(2023/02~迄今)
【經 歷】輔仁大學經濟系專案助理教授(2022/02~2023/01)
■ 教授科目及專長
■ 期刊論文
- Chen, W. D. and Yu, C. T. (2022), "The information value of interim accounting disclosures: evidence from monthly revenue reports," Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 58, 245-295.
- Chen, W. D., Chen, Y. and Huang, S. C. (2021), "Liquidity risk and bank performance during financial crises," Journal of Financial Stability, 56, 100906.
- Chen, W. D. and Huang, S. C. (2021), "How Did Liquidity Creation Affect U.S. Banks during the Subprime Crisis? Exploring Different Aspects of Bank Liquidity Creation," Journal of Financial Studies, 29(2), 65 - 98
- Huang, S. C., Chen, W. D. and Chen, Y. (2018), "Bank liquidity creation and CEO optimism," Journal of Financial Intermediation, 36, 101-117.
■ 研討會論文
- "Bank liquidity and performance during crises", 2019 International Conference of Taiwan Finance Association, Taipei, 2019.
■ 科技部/國科會計畫